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Chromatography Analysis and Design Toolkit

The Chromatography Analysis and Design Toolkit (CADET) is developed at the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences 1 (IBG-1) under supervision of Dr. Eric von Lieres. Joel Andersson, Sebastian Schnittert, Andreas Püttmann and Samuel Leweke have made major contributions to the CADET simulator. This web-interface has been created by William Heymann. The core of the CADET software is a fast and accurate solver for the General Rate Model (GRM) of packed bed liquid chromatography, which can be used through this web-interface. The CADET solver covers a wide range of GRM variants, combining different transport and binding models with state-of-the-art mathematical algorithms and scientific computing techniques.

The CADET framework also comprises a MATLAB interface and standard routines for parameter estimation, process optimization and experimental design (not accessible through this web-interface). The full version can be downloaded on GitHub. CADET is freely distributed as a contribution to the scientific community. The CADET simulator is documented using doxygen. Additional documentation is provided on the project wiki. If you find it useful for your own work, we would appreciate acknowledgements of the CADET software and citations of our papers.

Simulation Methods

Modeling Applications

CADET Web Interface

The CADET Web Interface is developed by William Heymann at the Institute of Bio- and Geosciences 1 (IBG-1) under supervision of Dr. Eric von Lieres. The web interface is written using Django and connects to a PostgreSQL database. The entire system is designed to be easy to extend with new isotherms, graphs and workflows. The web interface can be downloaded on GitHub.